
Monday, October 1, 2012

Why I am starting a blog

Note: First of all i apologize in advance. I am not a blogger by nature and therefore may not have the blogger lingo or the blogger frequency of other more professional bloggers

Now on to the reason why I am starting a blog. I am always getting request for recipes and always getting request for certain dishes when people come over for dinner. I thought this would save me some ink, not to mention the forest that will be spared.

Some of my recipes are very simple, and some of them are more difficult, but non of them are impossible. They are 90% budget friendly made with things that are always in the house as well as ways to use leftovers to make completely new dishes.

I have an Amish background and have always had a passion for cooking and baking. I love to try new recipes and am always looking for ways to improve the ones i have. I am not a bottomless well of information but would gladly try to answer any questions people may have about cooking or baking.

Good recipes are soon to follow...

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