
Wednesday, October 10, 2012

My most requested item i make

Bread!!! I make this for holiday gifts, also when i really would like something tasty in the house. I tend to make more bread in the winter time. I find there is nothing better than the smell of homemade bread on a cold day. 

This is one of my favorite bread recipes: Soft White Bread

Soft White Bread:
4-6 cups of white flour
2 packs yeast in 1/4 cup warm water
add a small pinch of sugar to the yeast mixture to activate it.
3 tsp salt
6 Tbs shortning
2 1/4 cup water
3/4 c milk (sometimes i use sour milk. It gives it a richer flavor)
6 Tbs Sugar

Put milk & water in pan and scald (don't boil, just long enough where bubbles form along edge of pot).
Add shortening, sugar, and salt to water/milk mixture until melted. Set aside and let cool to lukewarm.

While mixture is cooling put yeast, pinch of sugar and 1/4 cup of warm water in small bowl and stir slightly to dissolve.

Pour yeast in with milk/water mixture after lukewarm. Add flour in one cup at a time. mix with spoon until able to turn out on floured surface and then start kneading in flour until smooth and elastic.

The amount of flour used depends on a lot of factors. I never use the same amount of flour when i make bread. What you are looking for is a smooth elastic feel to your bread. Sometimes you will have to knead for 10 minutes or 30 minutes to get there. Bread is not an exact science!

Put dough in greased bowl and let rise til double. Punch down and form loaves or rolls, let rise for about 30 minutes.

Bake at 350 for 20-30 minutes. It really depends on your oven or how golden you like your rolls.

When they come out i let them set for about 10 minutes then brush butter on top. If you are wanting that Grandy's Restaurant taste, mix honey and butter together and brush with honey butter.

And That Is My Soft White Bread! A great idea would be to make these ahead of time and freeze them. Then when holidays show up you have delicious homemade rolls ready to go.

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