
About Kim

Hmm... well... I am a housewife thanks to a bad economy that loves to cook, bake, and create things in the kitchen. I am not a professional blogger so I apologize for the bad spelling and bad structure. I get a lot of request for recipes and since I don't believe in secret recipes, this is a nice way of sharing what I do in the kitchen.

In our house I always try to make new recipes and as a result my husband has turned into my guinea pig. I remind him he married me for better or worse when I make a dish that turns out less than perfect  but he is usually pretty good about everything and eats it with a smile. I am one of those cooks that likes to watch cooking shows, or an advertisement for a restaurant comes on, and I think to myself I can make that. I am also the type of person that can create some pretty delicious creations with leftovers, or when the end of the month comes and the fridge gets pretty bare I can make things that my husband wishes I would have written down what I put in the dish. I have a hard time keeping track of what I put in dishes because a lot of the time I go by taste, which is another benefit of this blog because it's forcing me to remember what went in the dish.

If I am trying a new recipe I always make it according to the directions and measurements listed. Not every recipe needs adjustments and is perfect just the way it is, but since I like bold flavors a lot of the time I will kick up the flavor or adjust the ingredients to my taste.

I love a challenge in the kitchen. If someone says it can't be done, I will have to give it a try. If I don't have an ingredient for a dish I will see I can make it or substitute it with something else. In the process realize that I like the way I made it better than the original recipe. For example: if I am making fajitas and realize I don't have flour tortillas, I will pull out my recipe and enjoy fajitas with an added homemade flare. I end up saving a lot of money if I make the missing element instead of making a run to the store. There are some basic ingredients that I like to keep in the house all the time. Flour, sugar,baking soda, baking powder, eggs, shortning, and believe it or not I also keep molasses on hand. You can make homemade brown sugar with molasses. With these ingredients you can make a lot of things that may prevent you from having to run to the store. I can't even tell you how much money we have saved by keeping these things on hand. So to sum it all up I suppose you could say I am stingy with my money, but still want to eat like a king. Just because we can't eat out very often does not mean I can't eat just as good at home.

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