
Sunday, January 20, 2013


I love waffles! But i am also picky about my waffles. I want crisp on the outside and soft on the inside. One that is easy to play with and is easy to make. I also refuse to pay the ridiculous price that they charge you in the store. Eggo rips people off more than oil companies. It might cost them 50 cents per box to make and they charge around $4-5. That in my book is a wee bit excessive.

So...dig your waffle maker out of storage, dust off your mixer, and get ready to eat amazing waffles that come out looking like they came out of a magazine.

3 c flour
2 Tbs baking powder
1/4 tsp salt
2 1/4 c milk
1/2 cup plus 1 Tbs vegetable oil
3 eggs, separated

Preheat waffle iron. In a large bowl sift together flour, baking powder and salt. Stir in milk, oil and egg yolk until smooth. In a separate bowl beat egg whites until peaks form. Gently fold in egg whites into batter.

Spray preheated waffle iron with cooking spray. Pour mix onto waffle iron. Cook until golden. Serve Hot.

Keep in mind if your have never made waffles from scratch before that the batter rises after you put it in the waffle maker. So be careful not to overfill. Also you will need to experiment with the time. It really varies depending on your waffle maker. I have a Belgian waffle maker and i cook mine around 2 minutes each.

This recipe serves around 6

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